SEO Insights: How to Find Backlinks in Google Analytics?

Are you looking to uncover the secrets of your website’s backlink profile? If so, then understanding how to find backlinks in Google Analytics is a crucial skill that can revolutionize your digital marketing strategy.By leveraging the power of Google Analytics, one can gain valuable insights into the quality and quantity of inbound links pointing towards their site.

Google Analytics provides valuable insights into your website’s performance, including tracking referral traffic from backlinks. By navigating to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “All Traffic” followed by “Referrals,” you can see which websites are driving traffic to your site through backlinks.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of SEO and show you exactly how to use Google Analytics to discover high-quality backlinks, track their performance, and improve your overall online presence.

Before proceeding further, let me tell you how important a backlinks profile can be in shaping your website’s reputation and SEO. A backlink profile refers to the collection of all the links that point towards your website from other websites on the internet. These links act as a vote of confidence for your site, indicating its relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines like Google. With an impressive backlinks profile, your website can soar higher in search engine rankings, attracting more organic traffic and boosting its overall visibility.

To help you understand the significance of a strong backlinks profile, I have crafted an ultimate guide: Ultimate Guide: What is a Backlinks Profile?

This comprehensive resource delves into every aspect related to building and maintaining an effective backlink strategy. From understanding different types of backlinks to analyzing their impact on SEO metrics, this guide covers it all.

Moreover, if you are someone with multiple websites or even just one but looking for additional opportunities to monetize it, selling backlinks could be a lucrative option for you.

In my detailed step-by-step guide on How to Sell Backlinks, I discuss various strategies and best practices to successfully sell backlinks while ensuring ethical practices.

So grab your virtual snorkel and let’s swim with data-driven strategies!

Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO, as they are considered one of the most important ranking factors for search engines. But how do you track and analyze your backlinks to determine their quality and effectiveness? This is where Google Analytics comes into play.

Analyzing Google referal referral traffic report allows you to identify both the quantity and quality of the backlinks. Look for websites with high session duration, low bounce rates, and significant organic traffic referrals. These indicators suggest that these backlinks are coming from reputable sources that genuinely engage with your content.

Another way to utilize Google Analytics in tracking backlinks is through the Landing Pages report. By filtering this report based on referral traffic, you can identify which pages on your website receive the most visits from external sources via backlinks.

Furthermore, using segments and filters within Google Analytics can provide even more insights on specific audience segments that come from certain referral websites or have particular behaviors related to their interaction with your website’s content.

While Google Analytics is a powerful tool for analyzing data about your website’s performance, it does have its limitations when it comes to providing detailed information about each individual backlink pointing to your site. For a comprehensive analysis of all links pointing to your site, consider utilizing other tools such as Google Search Console or specialized SEO software that offers more advanced techniques for tracking backlink data.

Understanding how to leverage Google Analytics effectively enables you not only to track but also analyze the overall health of your website’s backlink profile. By monitoring metrics such as session duration, bounce rates, organic traffic referrals, and examining specific landing pages receiving referral traffic –you can gain valuable insights into the quality of these backlinks. Remember to combine Google Analytics with other tools for a more comprehensive backlink

Once you have implemented tracking codes and set up your Google Analytics account, it’s time to dive into the treasure trove of data that awaits. One valuable piece of information you can uncover is the referral traffic coming from backlinks.

To begin, navigate to the “Acquisition” tab in your Google Analytics dashboard. From there, click on “All Traffic” and then select “Referrals.” This report will show you all the websites that are sending traffic to your site through backlinks.

Take a closer look at this list of referring domains. Are there any high-quality websites with strong authority linking back to yours? These are the links that carry more weight and contribute positively to your SEO efforts. On the other hand, be cautious about spammy or low-quality links as they can harm your website’s reputation.

To get even more insights, consider utilizing segments and filters within Google Analytics. You can create custom segments based on specific criteria such as session duration or bounce rates. By doing so, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how different types of referral traffic behave when they land on your site.

Remember, while Google Analytics provides valuable data on referral traffic from backlinks, it may not capture every single link pointing to your site. To get a comprehensive view of your backlink profile, it’s recommended to also use tools like Google Search Console or specialized SEO software that offers detailed backlink reports.

By analyzing referral traffic from backlinks in Google Analytics and using additional tools for an extensive analysis, you can uncover valuable insights into the quality and quantity of links driving organic traffic to your website

Using the Landing Pages Report to Find Top Backlinked Pages

One of the most effective ways to find top backlinked pages in Google Analytics is by using the Landing Pages report. This report provides valuable insights into which pages on your website are receiving the most referral traffic from backlinks.

To access this report, simply go to the Acquisition section in Google Analytics and navigate to All Traffic > Referrals. Here, you will see a list of websites that have referred traffic to your site through their backlinks.

By clicking on any specific referral website, you can further drill down into the landing pages that are receiving the highest amount of referral traffic. This allows you to identify which pages are attracting quality backlinks and driving organic traffic.

Analyzing data such as session duration and bounce rates for these landing pages can help determine if they are effectively engaging visitors or need improvements. High session durations indicate that users find value in the content provided, while high bounce rates may suggest a lack of relevance or poor user experience.

With this information, you can prioritize optimizing these high-performing landing pages for even better results and potentially attract more quality backlinks. Remember, quality over quantity is key when it comes to building a strong backlink profile!

Additionally, combining data from other reports such as Behavior Flow and Conversion Goals can provide deeper insights into how these top backlinked pages contribute to your overall website success.

Utilizing the Landing Pages report in Google Analytics enables you to identify and optimize your top performing webpages with quality backlinks. By understanding which pages attract referral traffic from reputable sources, you can focus on improving their performance and leveraging them for even greater SEO success!

One of the key aspects of understanding your backlink profile is examining the quality of the websites that are referring traffic to your site. Not all backlinks are created equal, and it’s crucial to identify which ones hold value and contribute positively to your SEO efforts.

In Google Analytics, you can analyze referral websites by navigating to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “All Traffic” followed by “Referrals.” This report will provide a list of websites that have referred visitors to your site.

To assess the quality of these backlinks, pay attention to metrics such as session duration, bounce rates, and conversion rates. A high session duration indicates that visitors from those referral sites found valuable content on your website. On the other hand, a low bounce rate suggests that users are engaging with multiple pages on your site after coming from these referral sources.

Furthermore, take note of any spammy or low-quality links in this report. It’s important to regularly monitor and disavow such links using tools like Google Search Console or third-party services.

By analyzing referral websites for quality backlinks in Google Analytics, you can gain insights into which sources drive organic traffic and contribute positively to your website’s visibility online.

In addition to the basic reports in Google Analytics, you can further enhance your understanding of backlinks by utilizing segments and filters. These advanced techniques allow you to dive deeper into the data and uncover valuable insights.

One useful segment is the “Organic Traffic” segment, which allows you to isolate organic traffic sources and analyze their impact on backlink quality. By applying this segment, you can filter out other traffic sources and focus solely on the organic referrals that are driving high-quality backlinks.

Another helpful segment is the “List of Audience Segment Options.” This feature enables you to create custom segments based on specific criteria such as session duration or bounce rates. By analyzing these metrics within the context of referral traffic from backlinks, you can identify patterns and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Additionally, using filters in combination with acquisition reports can provide a comprehensive overview of all traffic referrals. The “Dropdown Acquisition Reports All Traffic Referrals” option allows you to see a list of websites that have linked to your site. By applying filters for spammy or low-quality links, you can quickly identify potential issues in your backlink profile.

Remember that while Google Analytics provides valuable data on backlinks, it’s also important to cross-reference this information with other tools like Google Search Console. This will give you a more complete picture of all the links pointing to your site.

By utilizing segments and filters effectively in Google Analytics, you’ll gain deeper insights into your website’s backlink profile and be able to make informed decisions regarding SEO strategies moving forward.


Tracking and analyzing backlink data is crucial for understanding how other websites contribute to driving traffic to your site. Google Analytics offers a range of reports and features that can help


How can I track backlinks in Google Analytics?

To track backlinks in Google Analytics, you can use the Referral Traffic report to identify the sources of traffic coming from external websites. Additionally, you can analyze the Landing Pages report to see which pages on your website are receiving the most referral traffic.

What should I look for when analyzing referral websites for quality backlinks?

When analyzing referral websites for quality backlinks, it’s important to consider factors such as domain authority, relevance to your industry or niche, and the overall reputation of the referring website. Look out for links from reputable and authoritative sites that align with your content.

Can I use segments and filters in Google Analytics to gain more insights on my backlinks?

Yes! Segments and filters are powerful tools in Google Analytics that allow you to refine your data and gain deeper insights. You can create custom segments based on various criteria like session duration or bounce rates to understand how different types of users interact with your website through backlinks.

Can I check my backlink profile using Google Search Console instead of Google Analytics?

While Google Search Console provides valuable information about links pointing to your site, it focuses more on search engine visibility rather than detailed analytics. It is recommended to use both tools together for a comprehensive analysis of your website’s performance.

How do I differentiate between high-quality backlinks and spammy or low-quality links?

Differentiating between high-quality backlinks and spammy or low-quality links requires careful evaluation. High-quality backlinks often come from reputable sources within relevant industries, whereas spammy or low-quality links may originate from suspicious websites with no relevance or authority. Analyzing metrics like organic traffic generated by these links can also provide insights into their quality.